Why automate?

About pipette calibration

In laboratories today, the pipette calibration process and the related data handling is manual, time-consuming and often a bottle-neck.

All in all, manual calibration becomes a costly, inefficient, and strenuous affair.

High costs

Usually, manual pipette calibration is done by your own laboratory technicians or handled by an external calibration service provider. Either way it is associated with a cost.

Poor work environment

Manual calibration is characterized by numerous, repetitive finger/hand movements leading to injuries and poor working conditions.

Complex planning & much time spent

Manual calibration takes time: planning, registration, packing and shipping, and when pipettes are returned: unpacking and manual handling of calibration results. Also, pipettes are away from the lab for up to 10 days.

Manual processes

Both handling pipettes and processing the data introduce a risk of human error. No-value addding procedures, such as reviews or paper assets logs, are necessary to ensure data integrity.